Reading Order Options Quick Key-2

You can select Reading Order options from the dialog box, from the pop-up menu that appears when you right-click a highlighted region, or from the options menu in the Order panel. The Reading Order tool includes the following options:

  • Text/ParagraphReading Order Pane with all Options

Tags the selection as text.

  • Figure

Tags the selection as a figure. The text contained within a figure tag is defined as part of the image and screen readers do not read it.

  • Form Field

Tags the selection as a form field.

  • Figure/Caption

Tags a selected figure and caption as a single tag. Any text contained in the tag is defined as a caption. Useful for tagging photos and captions, and preventing caption text from being incorrectly added to adjacent text blocks. Figures may require alternate text.

  • Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, Heading 4, Heading 5, Heading 6

Tags the selection as a first, second, third, fourth, fifth, or sixth level heading tag. You can convert heading tags to bookmarks to help users navigate the document.

  • Table

Tags the selection as a table after the selection is analyzed to determine the location of headings, columns, and rows.

  • Cell

Tags the selection as a table or header cell. Use this option to merge cells that are incorrectly split.

  • Formula

Tags the selection as a formula. Speech software may handle formula tags differently from normal text, so you may want to add a description using alternate text.

  • Note

Tags the selection as a note.

  • Reference

Tags the selection as a reference.

  • Background/Artifact

Tags the selection as a background element or artifact, removing the item from the tag tree. This ensures that it does not appear in the reflowed document and screen readers do not read it.

  • Table Editor

Automatically analyzes the selected table into cells and applies the appropriate tags. The table must be tagged as a table before you can use the Table Editor command on it.

  • Show Page Content Groups

Shows content elements as highlighted areas that contain numbers to indicate the reading order. Specify the highlight color by clicking the color swatch.

  • Show Table Cells

Highlights the content of individual table cells. Specify the highlight color by clicking the color swatch.

  • Display Like Elements In A Single Block

Adjacent squares with the same tag type are collapsed into a single, bigger square with the common tag type that encompasses the original square.

  • Show Tables And Figures

Outlines each table and figure with a crossed-out box. The box also indicates whether the element includes alternate text. Specify the box color by clicking the color swatch.

  • Clear Page Structure

Removes the tagging structure from the page. Use this option to start over and create a new structure if the existing structure contains too many problems.

  • Show Order Panel

Opens the Order tab for reordering highlighted content.

  • Edit Alternate Text

Available in the menu that appears when you right-click a highlighted figure. Allows the user to add or edit a text description about the figure properties that a screen reader or other assistive technology reads.

  • Edit Form Field Text

Available in the menu that appears when you right-click a form field. Allows the user to add or edit a form field text description that a screen reader or other assistive technology reads.

  • Edit Table Summary

Available in the menu that appears when you right-click a highlighted table. Allows the user to add or edit a text description about the table properties that a screen reader or other assistive technology reads.