Course Syllabus

Health Education

Class Syllabus

Course: Health 1                                                                     Instructor: Mark Unzueta

Email:                        Office Hours: TBA

            Required Material:

  1. Text: Adapting to Contemporary Health, 1st Edition, Kendall Pub. 2016\
  3. Scan Tron 882E (7)
  4. #2 pencil

Catalog Description:  Welcome to Health Science 1.  This course provides each student an opportunity to explore contemporary health issues.  Each student will be challenged to study the scientific basis of this information and to put into practice those concepts whereby one can improve their health and longevity.  Each student is expected to attend and participate in all class activities, to read and study assigned readings, and to complete all assignments in a timely manner.

At the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Possess and use the knowledge and applications for improving personal health and wellness.
  2. Analyze and compare their own personal health and wellness to individuals of the same gender, age and ethnicity.
  3. Identify controllable risk factors as they relate to their personal health and wellness and to their environment.
  4. Identify uncontrollable risk factors as they relate to their personal and wellness and to their environment.
  5. Identify his/her personal responsibility for his/her health.
  6. Demonstrate an understanding of his/her role in protecting our environment.
  7. Demonstrate his/her own status in every content area covered in this class, and plan meaningful changes.

Student Learning Outcomes: 

  1. Students will demonstrate an understanding of common psychological disorders, the specific symptoms associated with those disorders, and the common methods of treatment.
  2. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the six major classes of drugs, with special focus on how they affect the body and the negative consequences associated with chronic abuse of those drugs.
  3. Students will demonstrate an understanding of how to incorporate the principles of proper nutrition, fitness, and weight management into their lives with the purpose of adopting a healthy lifestyle.
  4. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the common forms of cardiovascular disease (CVD) currently afflicting the US, with special emphasis on treatment and prevention.

            Evaluation Procedures

Class Participation:                                                     100pts

Exams:                                                                        300pts

Group Presentation Project:                                      100pts

Extra Credit:

Total Possible:                                                            500pts

            Grading Scale

A          =          90-100%                      450-500pts

B          =          80-89%                        400-449pts

C          =          70-79%                        350-399pts

D          =          60-69%                        300-349pts

F          =          0-59%                          0-299pts


Group Project

Students will be assigned to a group in which a 15-20min presentation will be prepared on a health-related topic of choice. (All topics must be approved by the instructor)  Students will be evaluated on a clear and precise explanation of the topic, leading the class in a discussion of the topic, utilization of visual aids, and enabling your classmates to learn your topic.  Each group will prepare and distribute a handout for the class prior to the presentation to further assist in creating an efficient learning environment.  Students should use information from the textbook and at least one other source.  All references must be cited.  Lastly, each member of the group will be expected to contribute equally to the project. 


Seven exams will be given.  Each exam will be worth 50 pts. (lowest score dropped)

General Class Information

Accommodation:   If you have a verified need for an academic accommodation or materials in alternate media (i.e. Braille, large print, electronic text, etc.) per the Americans with Disabilities Act or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, please make your instructor aware as soon as possible.

Assignments & Make-ups:  Assignments are due when noted in the syllabus schedule. Extra time will be allowed only with extenuating circumstances. There are no make-ups on quizzes or exams. 

Subject to Change: I reserve the right to change this syllabus with proper notice.



Course Summary:

Date Details Due