Your Tutorial Center Coordinators

Robbie Hill

Robbie Hill's Headshot

"That's what life's about, isn't it, mate? Just getting out there, having fun, following your passion, and being enthusiastic. That's the go. - Steve Irwin."


I have 5-6 years of college writing tutoring experience. I'm a New/Emerging Instructor of English with 1 year teaching of experience.


P.h.D someday? Maybe? Prolly not? Idk.

About me:

  • I've been bitten by 14 different species of animals.
  • I hate chocolate.
  • I still cry a little at the end of every LOTR movie.

About me:

  • Studied ghost stories in school.
  • Took a class in Quantum Physics and was real disappointed that we didn't learn about time travel.
  • Encyclopedic knowledge of action movies from 1985-1997.


I've been here for 11 semesters.


BA English, MA Literature

Kevin Jensen

Kevin Jensen's Headshot

"I am not sure that I exist, actually. I am all the writers I have read, all the people I have met, all the women I have loved, all the cities I have visited. - Jorge Luis Borges"

Dan Lassen

Dan Lassen's Headshot

"When life hands you lemons, make lemonade."


I've been working at the Tutorial Center for 5 years, I can help with Communication and Business.


B.A. in Communications, Masters in Business

About me:

  • I spent 16 years in the Navy.
  • Enjoy snowboarding, riding my dirt bike, hiking and running.
  • Pineapple does NOT belong on pizza.

About me:

  • I love writing. I think better through the pen. People tell me I am funnier in text messages and I believe that 100%.
  • I am severaly outnumbered in my house. I have three sons and one husband. Thankfully, my two border collies are girls.
  • At any give time, I probably have iced tea near me.


Coordinator for 9 years


BA in Comparative Literature; MA in English Literature

Adelaide Mitchell

Adelaide Mitchell's Headshot

"I find it fundamentally strange that you are not a dessert person - Jessica Day"

William Reimer

William Reimer's Headshot

"To ask the right question is harder than to answer it. - Georg Cantor"


I was a tutor for 7 years, and the subjects I specialized in were CSCI, Engineering, Math, Physics, and Statistics. Currently, I am a Coordinator with 4 semesters of experience.


B.S. and M.S. in Mathematics

About me:

  • I am sometimes referred to as "the fractal guy" for my research and talks on fractal geometry.
  • I taught myself how to do basic coding in Python and have a journal that documents my progress as well as how I have implemented code in my research.
  • I spend a large portion of my free time hanging out with friends.

About me:

  • I have 5 children and 2 cats.
  • I enjoy reading and puzzles.
  • In 7th grade I filled out a career survey and in response to the question "How much do you want to use math in your job?" I answered "Not at all."


I have been teaching math for 28 years.


BA and MA in Mathematics

Carole Sullivan

Carole Sullivan's Headshot

"Good things aren't supposed to just fall into your lap. God is very generous, but He expects you to do your part first. - Audrey Hepburn"